Source code for asynciotimemachine

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Main module."""

import asyncio
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Optional

__author__ = """Eugene M. Kim"""
__email__ = ''
__version__ = '0.3.0'

[docs]class TimeMachine: """A monkey-patch helper to advance an event loop's time. :param event_loop: the event loop to monkey-patch (default: main loop). """ def __init__(self, *poargs, event_loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, **kwargs): """Initialize this instance.""" super().__init__(*poargs, **kwargs) if event_loop is None: event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.__loop = event_loop self.__original_time = event_loop.time self.__delta = 0 self.__loop.time = self.__time def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.__loop.time = self.__original_time def __time(self): return self.__original_time() + self.__delta
[docs] def advance_by(self, amount: float): """Advance the time reference by the given amount. :param amount: number of seconds to advance. :raise `ValueError`: if *amount* is negative. """ if amount < 0: raise ValueError("cannot retreat time reference: amount {} < 0" .format(amount)) self.__delta += amount
[docs] def advance_to(self, timestamp: float): """Advance the time reference so that now is the given timestamp. :param timestamp: the new current timestamp. :raise `ValueError`: if *timestamp* is in the past. """ now = self.__original_time() if timestamp < now: raise ValueError("cannot retreat time reference: " "target {} < now {}" .format(timestamp, now)) self.__delta = timestamp - now